Data Management is the collection of best practices for managing data throughout its life cycle. The data life cycle begins with the data requirements for a business process, continues through the architecture, design, and implementation, and extends through the eventual archival or destruction of the data. Enterprise Data Management (EDM) applies these practices across the entire enterprise to ensure that data is reliable, available, and fit for purpose.
Arizona’s Statewide Enterprise Data Management Program (EDMP) is headquartered within ADOA-ASET.
Policy Framework
Our EDMP is based upon the well-known CMMI Data Management Maturity Model (DMM) framework. The DMM is reflected in our Statewide Data Governance Policies. As agencies implement the policies, they also implement capabilities and advance maturity in the DMM’s 25 process areas.
CMMI Data Management Maturity Model
Arizona has trained 40 state employees in the DMM and 3 of those employees have received advanced training leading to CMMI-ISACA Enterprise Data Management Expert (EDME) certification. The DMM includes a comprehensive capabilities and maturity assessment methodology. To date, 6 state agencies have conducted full DMM assessments, leading to a comprehensive roadmap to implement EDM capabilities.
Data Stewardship
Data Stewardship acknowledges that all state employees have a duty of care concerning the data they create, use, and work with daily. We created a customized Data Stewardship Training Program that is available to all employees through our state learning management system, TraCorp. We are working towards making data stewardship training mandatory for all employees.
Data Management Services Contract
Building a data management program requires specialized knowledge and skills that include data quality assessments, setting up a metadata catalog, performing data migration for a major project, and building a data management program roadmap. To meet the needs of our state agencies, we have entered into data management services contracts with 6 firms specialized in providing these services. Go to the State Procurement Portal and search “data management” to access.
Steering Committee
Our Data Management Steering Committee holds regular meetings to share information and strategy. Workgroups help develop policies, evaluate products, and plan our annual conference. Contact us if you wish to participate in the Steering Committee.
Data Sharing
Our State Data Sharing Memorandum of Understanding was signed by 29 participating agencies, who have undertaken to share data unless applicable law prevents it. Each participating agency also sends a delegate to quarterly meetings of the State Data Interoperability Council, a forum for discussing data sharing strategies and interoperability of shared data. Details are on our Policy page under P4440 - Data Governance Data Interoperability Policy.
More Information
Please contact [email protected]. State employees can obtain further information on our program website.