ARS §18-104 A.1.(e) requires ADOA-ASET to maintain an inventory of all IT assets used by this state. The implementation of the AFIS system on July 1, 2015 enabled this process to be streamlined for the benefit of all state budget units. The process eliminates non-value-added effort while making IT asset information available to ADOA-ASET without further effort by each budget unit.
Additional Benefits of the AFIS Fixed Asset Tracking:
- 2,100 unique categories have been distilled down to only 92 Catalog Codes.
- Agencies will maintain the IT asset inventory in AFIS as part of their normal business processes to eliminate duplication of work.
- AFIS will send ADOA-ASET an update every month. No additional action is required by agencies to report to ADOA-ASET.
- All agencies will use a common vocabulary and consistent coding structure, making the information more useful.
Agencies will maintain the IT asset inventory in AFIS as part of their normal business processes, which will capture and reflect the current state of the information technology assets that are owned, leased, or employed by the state.
Please refer to the GAO Operations Resources page for more information and contact your agency property control officer for assistance.