Information Technology Authorization Committee (ITAC)

Information Technology Authorization Committee (ITAC)

Information Technology Authorization Committee (ITAC)

Arizona State Government is divided into three branches: Executive - led by the Governor; the Legislative - led by the elected leaders of the House of Representatives and Senate; and the Judicial - led by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Information Technology Authorization Committee (ITAC), established in A.R.S. 18-121 and implemented through A.A.C. 18-2, has jurisdiction to approve or reject IT projects with development costs exceeding $1 million for all three branches of government.

ITAC’s membership includes representatives of all three branches, as well as members with private sector experience in IT, and one at-large member who can be appointed from either the private sector or state government service. The members receive no compensation for their considerable service in this capacity.

Meeting Day Information

For public ITAC meeting information, please visit the ADOA-ASET, Information Technology Authorization Committee page.

View the Current Month's ITAC Meeting Packet

View Archived Meeting Information

ITAC Meetings
The next ITAC Session is currently scheduled for March 19, 2025 at 1:00 pm. 

Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, the Information Technology Authorization Committee is providing this notice regarding the physical and electronic locations where all public notices regarding public meetings, including the meeting agenda, are posted.

The Board posts all public notices electronically on this page and the Arizona Public Meeting Notices Website

Meeting Location:
Arizona Department of Administration
Virtual Meeting

Public Comments
ITAC Public Meeting Comment Request

During an Information Technology Authorization Committee (ITAC) Public Meeting, any requests to address comments, questions, and discussions must be included in the actions items of the meeting agenda. ITAC may not discuss or take action on specific matters that have not been identified in the agenda in advance of the meeting. If a speaker addresses a topic that is not on the agenda, ITAC can only instruct staff to make a note of the matter and/or schedule the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date. During the ITAC meeting, the specific duration of time and number of speakers for the public comment session will be determined by the Committee Chairperson.

In order to speak on an Action Item, a participant must fill out a Public Comment Card (online or physical form). Once the ITAC public comment period is closed, there will be no further public comment unless requested by a member of the Committee. The Committee may act on any or all agenda Action Items with or without opening the public comment session, as the Committee’s approval or disapproval of Action Items is not contingent on the public input session.

Communications from Citizens

At this time, members of the public may comment on matters within the published agenda, including general comments related to ITAC statutory duties and responsibilities. The Committee’s response is at the discretion of Committee members and may include response to Action items or proposed project criticism, asking staff to review a matter commented upon, or consideration of information prior to or after project approval votes have been considered.

NOTICE: The ITAC public comment session is not to be used as a forum for product sales, technology solutions, or any form of pejorative speech.