Announcement Category

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B1S Image

Starting, running, changing, and closing a business in Arizona just got easier thanks to the innovative -- and recently refreshed -- Arizona Business One Stop portal. This free online platform

Phone on desk

Emergency response systems in Arizona are entering a new era with the implementation of Next Generation 9-1-1. Learn more in the article.

Smart Phone Usage

The state’s Department of Administration has spent the past two years rolling out a new Next Generation 911 program that will dramatically improve the speed at which crews respond to emergencies and


Arizona published updates to its generative AI policies after collecting feedback from employees on how they were using the technology. Learn more in the StateScoop article.

Cloud Strategy Article

The state of Arizona published its policy on generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in March, but as the technology and the state’s applications of it have evolved, the state's policy has changed

Gen AI Article Image

Arizona state government is testing Generative AI to improve public safety and government efficiency to lay the foundation for further use in the public sector.  Learn more in the news release.


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